Espacio dedicado a los Guardaparques del planeta.
Space dedicated to the Park rangers of the world.
Espaço dedicado aos Guarda-parques do planeta.



29 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Buenos dias:
Triste y desgraciadamente la vida de los GUARDAPARQUES o GUARDABOSQUES o RANGER, en algunos territorios de nuestro planeta No vale nada. Y se les asesina impunemente y sin sonrojo sin que la comunidad internacional haga casi nada o poco por evitar que se atente contra uno de los derechos fundamentales de los seres humanos "el derecho a la vida". Los GUARDAPARQUES, GUARDABOSQUES,RANGER tenemos que trabajar para ser una verdadera y autentica POLICIA AMBIENTAL pero con todas las bases y covertura legal para poder actuar como tal. Tambien será muy importante que se nos forme y prepare en la importante cuestión de la defensa personal y manejo y utilización de armas de fuego, sobre todo de aquellos compañeros que desarrollan su labor en areas de conflictos o paises poco seguros.
Que es una lucha sindical que poco a poco y a nivel mundial tenemos que trabajar y proponer para que el lamentable listado de GUARDAPARQUES asesinados pueda disminuir año tras años, pues nos jugamos mucho, nada mas y nada menos que la vida de algunos compañeros que por desgracia ya no estna con nosotros.
Juan Pedro (SPAIN).

Marcelo dijo...

From Virunga National Park (by JGM)

A patrol team of rangers has fallen into an ambush and 3 rangers died. Also 5 soldier from Congo National Army working in a joint patrol died too in the ambush.

Heavy shots occurred by an unknown gang, launching a rocket on the
pick up, at 1 km at the Virunga National Park entrance.

Fallen Rangers Names:
1. Augustin Shamukungu
2. Yalala Bateterana
3. Magombani (Driver)

Marcelo dijo...

Una patrulla de vigilancia cae en una emboscada y mueren 3 Guardaparques. También junto a ellos, perecen 5 soldados del Ejército Nacional del Congo que estaban prestando apoyo a la misión.

Hubieron disparos pesados producidos por una banda desconocida, con el lanzamiento de un tiro de Bazuca que impactó en la camioneta donde se desplazaban las victimas (a solo 1 km de la entrada del Parque Nacional Virunga).

Guardaparques asesinados:

1. Agustín Shamukungu
2. Yalala Bateterana
3. Magombani (Conductor)

Adaptado del comunicado del Guardaparque Jobogo Mirindi desde el Parque Nacional de Virunga - Congo.

Marcelo dijo...

8 of our men killed in a militia attack this morning

We are deeply saddened to announce the death of eight of our colleagues in a violent attack on one of our vehicles at 6am this morning. 3 were rangers and 5 were soldiers with whom we were working. The vehicle was deploying the men along a road that goes through the centre of the park, so that the public can travel safely through this area that has been very insecure as a result of the presence of illegal armed groups. The attack took place just next to the site where a UN peace keeper was killed last year.

All the signs indicate that the assailants were from an FDLR unit that is camped in the park. We’ve had reports of over 700 FDLR combatants coming into the park in recent days. They are extremely hostile towards ICCN ever since we started to stop the forest destruction for charcoal, an illegal industry from which they were making significant revenue.

I am in Rwindi with Rodrigue. The eight rangers will be buried at Mai ya Moto, our burial site where we honor those who have died in our efforts to protect the park. Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased and with the wounded in hospital.

by Emmanuel

Marcelo dijo...

Under Fire, World's Park Rangers Seek Protection
Leon Marshall in Durban
for National Geographic News
September 5, 2003

Park rangers are under attack worldwide. Poachers, smugglers, trespassers, and roaming gangs of heavily armed guerillas shoot their way in to and out of nature reserves. Park rangers are often in the way. But now these wilderness protectors want protection for themselves.

So serious is the problem that the World Conservation Union (IUCN) has placed it high on the agenda for the 5th World Parks Congress, being held in Durban, South Africa from September 8 to 17.

This is the first time the congress, held once a decade, is being convened in Africa. It makes it all the more apt that the safety of rangers will be a special focus, because it is on this continent that park rangers are most often under fire.

The IUCN, the Switzerland-based international coalition of governments and NGOs that organizes the World Parks Congress, has launched "Protect the Protectors," an initiative undertaken jointly with the International Ranger Federation (IRF) to draw global attention to the increasing dangers faced by rangers and the need to improve their safety.

Marcelo dijo...

We have suffered a second major attack by FDLR militias in less than a week. Ranger Muhindo Mburungani was killed instantly with two bullets through the chest as their unit was ambushed on the Kabasha escarpment to the west of the park. He was part of the civilian protection unit positioned along the road. Mastaki, a driver, was shot in the head, arm and stomach and was rushed to Kayna hospital in a critical state.

We believe there may be a massive influx of about 700 FDLR militias in the area. We are holding crisis meeting with the senior military command this morning. We have been appealing to the UN peace keeping force, MONUSCO, for support.

Mastaki passed away in the early hours of the morning. He fought for his life for three days, after receiving terrible gunshot wounds to his head, chest and arm. He was driving a patrol vehicle to assist a public transport minibus that had been attacked by suspected FDLR militias.

He was taken to a rural hospital immediately, but they were unable to deal with the severity of his wounds. We flew him down to Goma yesterday morning and he was transferred to the Heal Africa hospital, who did all they could to save him, but the bullet had entered his brain through his right eye, making a recovery almost impossible.

I knew Mastaki well. He was our sentinel at the National Park office in Goma and I got to know him as a gentle, reliable ranger who took his duties incredibly seriously. In October 2008, at the height of the CNDP war, when the looting started in town, he traveled across the city on foot and got beaten up by looters on the way, so that he could make sure the office was protected. As we sat in the office at night with the sounds of violence all around, he explained to me how much he wanted to learn to drive so that he could be more useful driving patrols in the park. We got him his license and I spent some hours teaching him through the streets of Goma.

He was sent on operations at Rwindi. Because of the crisis, and the lack of drivers, he had been working almost every day since last August. He leaves a young widow and a four month old baby whom he barely got to see.

I truly enjoyed his company and his deep dedication to a lifetime protecting wildlife. A dedication that would ultimately cost him his life.

Forwarded by Tegan Burton

Marcelo dijo...

Dear Colleagues rangers,

We are sorry to inform you that we lost another ranger this week end, Michel Kachupa was burried yesterday and 3 others rangers aditted in the hospital
Details in the text attached. A strong lobbying is needed to stop continual killing.

January 24th, 2011 by Emmanuel
24 Jan 2011 Filed under (Human/Wildlife Conflict, Patrols, Political situation, Rangers, Threats) by emmanuelm @ 9:25 pm

We are deeply saddened to announce the death of eight of our colleagues in a violent attack on one of our vehicles at 6am this morning. 3 were rangers and 5 were soldiers with whom we were working. The vehicle was deploying the men along a road that goes through the centre of the park, so that the public can travel safely through this area that has been very insecure as a result of the presence of illegal armed groups. The attack took place just next to the site where a UN peace keeper was killed last year.
All the signs indicate that the assailants were from an FDLR unit that is camped in the park. We’ve had reports of over 700 FDLR combatants coming into the park in recent days. They are extremely hostile towards ICCN ever since we started to stop the forest destruction for charcoal, an illegal industry from which they were making significant revenue.
I am in Rwindi with Rodrigue. The eight rangers will be buried at Mai ya Moto, our burial site where we honor those who have died in our efforts to protect the park. Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased and with the wounded in hospital.

A Final Journey to Mai ya Moto
January 26th, 2011 by Emmanuel
26 Jan 2011 Filed under (Political situation, Rangers, Threats, Your Donations) by emmanuelm @ 8:11 pm

Today we buried our dead. The ceremony was simple, overwhelmed by the sorrow of eight grieving families. Many hundreds of people came to Mai ya Moto, a beautiful site where the springs flow into the Rutshuru River overhanging the Rwindi Plains. This is a sacred site where most of our rangers who have died protecting the park’s wildlife have been laid to rest.

The people came from Kiwanja, Rutshuru and as far as Goma to pay their last respects to our three rangers, and to the five soldiers who fought and died beside them. The coffins were laid down side by side at our park cemetery at Mai ya Moto. The park’s chaplain read a few verses from the Bible and comforted the families, after which full military honors were given by the 131st Brigade for both the rangers and the soldiers, as is customary for those who have died for their country. After that, we traveled in silence back to Rwindi.

Jobogo Mirindi (VNP)

Marcelo dijo...

On 6th March illegal boats were detected on Lake Edward which is in Virunga National Park on the border between Democratic Republic of Congo & Uganda . A speed boat with a patrol of rangers from Ishango, DRC tried to intercept the boat. As they approached, Mai Mai militia opened fire on the rangers. They continued with the operation, intercepted the boat, and arrested 3 people and one boat was seized. One ranger was seriously wounded in the attack. Ranger Paluku Mayani Vianney was hit in the stomach and the bullet lodged in his liver. He was flown to Nyankundi hospital in Beni where he was operated on in an attempt to remove the bullet. Although initial medical reports indicated he had stabilized, tragically he collapsed and died on 13th March. He was buried in Mutsora, his home community

Mayani is the seventh ranger to have died this year in the efforts of the DRC Rangers to protect Virunga National Park.

From: Roger Cole

Sent by: WayneLotter

Marcelo dijo...


El Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial y Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, se encuentran de luto por el fallecimiento del compañero Jaime Oscar Girón Portilla que se venía desempeñando como operario del Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Churumbelos.

Jaime se encontraba realizando actividades de control y vigilancia en el sector del Parque ubicado en la vereda Concepción; donde había sido comisionado desde el día miércoles 27 al 29 de abril. Durante su recorrido de regreso en el sector Mandiyaco del municipio de Santa Rosa (Cauca), fue víctima de una mina antipersonal, lo que le produjo la amputación de su pie.

Luego de realizar un operativo de rescate apoyado por la Brigada XXVII de Selva del Ejercito Nacional, se logró trasladar al municipio de Villa Garzón (Caquetá). Sin embargo tras sufrir dos infartos, los médicos no pudieron estabilizar sus signos vitales y finalmente falleció sobre las 7 de la noche del 27 de abril.

Desde que se reportó el hecho, Parques Nacionales Naturales coordinó las acciones de rescate, con el comandante de la Brigada XXVII de Selva, Brigadier General José Guillermo del Basto Jaimes, y el Centro de Comando y Control, quienes facilitaron los medios logísticos para que un helicóptero de la base de Tres Esquinas se trasladara al sitio del accidente.

Cuando se presentó este accidente uno de los compañeros que se encontraba en el lugar, le practicó los primeros auxilios al herido, puesto que había sido capacitado en el marco de un convenio que la Parques Nacionales tiene con la Defensa Civil.

La Unidad de Parques, en el marco del Programa Presidencial de Acción Integral Contra Minas Antipersonal - PAICMA, ha capacitado a 1.186 personas entre funcionarios y contratistas de Parques Nacionales Naturales y líderes comunitarios, en 33 Parques, en educación en el riesgo de minas antipersonal, cuyo contenido básico es cómo identificar las minas antipersonal, qué hacer en caso de accidente o incidente por minas antipersonal, y la identificación de sectores con presencia o sospecha de campos minados, entre otros.

El Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, y Parques Nacionales Naturales lamentan profundamente la muerte de nuestro compañero, y rechazan este tipo de actos que de violencia que afectan a funcionarios dedicados a la labor de conservación del patrimonio natural y cultural de los colombianos.


Enviado por: Hector Velásquez Lema

Marcelo dijo...

We are sorry to inform you the death of another ranger killed in rebels ambush this week again.

It was on 5th June 2011 when Asani Sebuyoli and Sankuye Ntamuvulira were appointed to escort the vehicle to Kiwanja for shopping of patrol provision.

On their way back they fall in an ambush when the driver was changing the tyre. Suddenly they saw a group of heavily armed gangs surrounded them and open a rain-shooting from all directions.
Assani was shot dead but the driver managed to escape, the ranger Sankuye seriously injured is admited at the hospital.

Asani was burried on Monday 6 June 2011 at Ishasha ranger post since it was too late to take the body at May ya Moto where we normaly burry the hero rangers.

The next day a ugandan driver was also killed on the same road from Uganda to Goma.

The situation in the region is worse these days when military operations are taking place against the FDLR rwandan militias.

This sad event has just come when the rangers are preparing on July 31st a prayer in memory of conservation victims killed this year.

Please share with colleagues and hope this will stop one day.

Enviado por: Jean Pierre Jobogo

Marcelo dijo...

"With deep regret, we have to again announce the death of two of our rangers following a violent attack on the road passing through the park in the southern sector. Seven other passengers on the vehicle were also wounded, one in critical condition in a hospital in Goma.

At 1:00 PM yesterday (29th July), one of our vehicles transporting people from Rumangabo to Goma fell upon a public transport minibus being looted by suspected FDLR militias. There were an estimated 30 men, many of whom were positioned on either side of the road with heavy machine guns. They immediately opened fire as the vehicle arrived and instantly killed two of our rangers, Michel Imanirafasha and Philippe Nzabonimpa.
A third ranger was shot through the chest, but managed to escape into the forest, and was later picked up by another minibus. That driver received a shrapnel wound to the head, but was able to steer the vehicle on and take the wounded to the hospital, a 40-minute drive from the site of the ambush.

The funerals took place today at Rumangabo and Bukima. Our entire community was present to bid farewell to two of our own who will be deeply missed".
Emmanuel de Merode

Chief Warden, Virunga NP

30 July 2011

This incident is in addition to 3 Forest Guards killed in Uttar Pradesh, India on 26th July (all run-over by a truck whilst tree planting).

Roger Cole

Marcelo dijo...

Three forest guards run over by truck
Tuesday 26th July, 2011

Three forest guards were killed when a speeding truck ran over them in this Uttar Pradesh district Tuesday, police said.

The accident took place under Kotwali Kalpi police station, when the truck spun out of control and ran over the three forest guards while they were planting saplings along the Jhansi-Kanpur highway near Chaunk village.

'All the three forest guards - Rambabu, Shivram and Babulal, all in their mid 40s - died on the spot,' Police Inspector Subedar Singh told reporters in Jalaun, some 150 km from Lucknow.

'The truck driver, who managed to escape soon after the incident is still absconding,' he added.

Marcelo dijo...

El Ministerio de Ambiente y Parques Nacionales condenan el asesinato de funcionario del Parque Paramillo

El Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible y Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, condenan el asesinato del funcionario Jairo Antonio Varela Arboleda, que se venía desempeñando como guarparque del Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo, ocurrido el día de ayer en el área protegida.

Hasta el momento se desconocen los detalles de cómo ocurrieron los hechos, lo que sí se tiene claro es que se encontraba cumpliendo con sus funciones de guardaparque; sin embargo las autoridades competentes ya fueron notificados del suceso y se encuentran realizando las investigaciones necesarias para clarificar esta penosa circunstancia.

Jairo Antonio Varela Arboleda de 49 años, oriundo del municipio de Carepa Antioquia, estuvo vinculado con el Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo desde 1998 hasta el 2004, y luego del 2009 hasta la fecha.

Para los integrantes de Parques Nacionales, Jairo Antonio era un ser humano excepcional, muy comprometido con la misión institucional, amable, servicial, colaborador y un líder reconocido en la comunidad de Saiza, localizada al interior del Parque Paramillo.

"Parques Nacionales Naturales lamenta profundamente la muerte de nuestro compañero, que falleció en el cumplimiento de la misión institucional, misión que cada día se torna más crítica en el contexto de las condiciones de riesgo que son causadas por el conflicto que vive el país, en las zonas donde se encuentran localizados los Parques Nacionales", manifestó Julia Miranda Londoño, directora general de esta entidad.

En el transcurso del 2011, este es el segundo caso de fallecimiento de uno de nuestros funcionarios, por este tipo de circunstancias.

En abril de 2011, Jaime Oscar Girón Portilla, que se venía desempeñando como operario del Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Churumbelos, murió víctima de las heridas que le ocasionó una mina antipersonal en el departamento del Cauca.

Marcelo dijo...

From: hector velasquez lema
Date: 2011/10/8
Subject: Agradecimientos condolencias guardaparques de Colombia

Apreciados hermanos de la conservación, de diferentes paises y asociaciones , reciban a nombre de los guardaparques de Colombia , nuestros agradecimientos por sus mensajes de solidaridad a raiz del condenable asesinato de nuestro colega guardaparque JAIRO VARELA, que prestaba sus servicios desde hace varios años en el PARQUE NACIONAL PARAMILLO.

Dice un colega en uno de los sentidos mensajes, ... Cuando asesinan un guardaparque en cualquier sitio del mundo, tambien me están asesinando a mi, .... esa solidaria reflexion es la que nos debe llevar a estrechar cada dia mas los lazos de unión y solidaridad gremial, nuestra labor debe ser RESPETADA, APOYADA , RECONOCIDA , VALORADA , por todos los estados, sociedades , gremios, etc.

Debemos ser mas visibles en los escenarios nacionales e internacionales, llamese foro, cumbres, encuentros, reuniones, etc, .... alli es donde debemos hacer conocer y valorar nuestra noble y humanitaria mision, nada de esas politicas, resoluciones, declaraciones , etc, NO serian posibles sin la labor de los guardaparques , en todos los mas dificiles y humildes lugares del mundo.

Debemos parar estos atropellos a nuestra dignidad , mision e integridad fisica, cualquiera que esta sea, cuando asi suceda en cualquier sitio de la tierra donde estemos, debemos expresarnos y hacer sentir nuestra solidaridad , apoyo, exigir justicia , proteccion y valoracion de la misión.

De nuevo agradecimientos por sus mensajes de solidaridad.

Guardaparques de Colombia , Héctor Velásquez l , jefe del área protegida Las Orquideas

Marcelo dijo...

Nuevo asesinato de un Guardaparque en Colombia mientras prestaba servicio

Sábado, 08 de Octubre de 2011

22:50 Redacción de Guardabosques

El asesinato de Jairo Antonio Varela, de 49 años, ha conmovido a los Guardaparques latinoamericanos, entre quienes era un profesional reconocido. Jairo se encontraba de servicio cuando fue asesinado.
...las autoridades competentes ya fueron notificadas del suceso y se encuentran realizando las investigaciones necesarias para clarificar esta penosa circunstancia.
Jairo Antonio Varela Arboleda de 49 años, oriundo del municipio de Carepa Antioquia, estuvo vinculado con el Parque Nacional Natural Paramillo desde 1998 hasta el 2004, y luego del 2009 hasta la fecha.
Para los integrantes de Parques Nacionales, Jairo Antonio era un ser humano excepcional, muy comprometido con la misión institucional, amable, servicial, colaborador y un líder reconocido en la comunidad de Saiza, localizada al interior del Parque Paramillo.
"Parques Nacionales Naturales lamenta profundamente la muerte de nuestro compañero, que falleció en el cumplimiento de la misión institucional, misión que cada día se torna más crítica en el contexto de las condiciones de riesgo que son causadas por el conflicto que vive el país, en las zonas donde se encuentran localizados los Parques Nacionales", manifestó Julia Miranda Londoño, directora general de esta entidad.
En el transcurso del 2011, este es el segundo caso de fallecimiento de uno de nuestros funcionarios, por este tipo de circunstancias. En abril de 2011, Jaime Oscar Girón Portilla, que se venía desempeñando como operario del Parque Nacional Natural Serranía de los Churumbelos, murió víctima de las heridas que le ocasionó una mina antipersonal en el departamento del Cauca.

Marcelo dijo...

0 #11 Miladys Ramos-esposa 14-10-2011 21:56

Amor te amare toda la vida.y te seguiré amando por que tu para mi eres la persona mas importante de mi vida. Sin ti mi vida se acabo, ahora solo espero que tu con esa buena energía que mantenías me la transmitas a mi, para yo seguir adelante con tus hermosas hijas que adorabas tanto.
Gracias por amarme tanto, ambos nos lo dijimos y lo demostramos siempre.
Todas esas cosas bonitas que me decías las tengo en mi corazón, esas son mis fuerzas de ahora en adelante para yo seguir este camino. Tener esa paciencia que tu tenias, esa imagen tan bella, ahora es abrir el corazón para guardar esas cosas bonitas que nos dejaste marcadas en nuestras vidas, seguirá siendo la dirección de un buen camino que nos llevara a la felicidad mas grande..

0 #10 andres viilla 14-10-2011 17:16
ssSolo quiero decir que aunque no trate muco con el lo que lo distinguí se que era un hombre muy responsable y muy buen padre ...Y a su familia les manifiesto mis condolencias

0 #9 MARCOS GONZALEZ G 13-10-2011 20:56
Viejo Jairo te fuiste pero siempre estaras presente en nuestros Corazones, como El PAPA de los funcionarios en el Sector de Saiza
ese que siempre nos cuido y protegio a toda hora.

0 #8 Edgardo Montalvo 12-10-2011 17:00
Pues yo si lo conocí, trabajamos juntos tres años. Amaba, la naturaleza y su gente, la de Saiza. Duele porque era comprometido con la conservación. Siempre cumpliendo sus deberes y sobre todo enseñando a la comunidad la forma de convivir con el entorno que les rodeaba. Jairo, fue asesinado por esos intolerante que menosprecian la vida en toda la extensión de la palabra. Y hay que tomar correctivos, a las áreas las cuidan sus funcionarios y si los matan... Una sonrisa de corazón en homenaje a JAIRO

0 #7 Gisela Paredes 12-10-2011 08:44
No es solo la muerte fisica, el dolor de la familia, la pena de los compañeros,..., lo que se evidencia es como la labor de la conservación de territorios y servicios para el bien colectivo, tiene poca importancia política. Esta vez fue otro compañero que tal vez no conocias, pero con el cual compartias la esperanza de un mundo mejor más justo más equitativo donde la vida sea respetada, donde exista la oportunidad a ser diferente, pero tambien representa a uno de los tantos seres humanos que no se quedan en el discurso sin ponen su vida al servicio de todos para el BIEN COLECTIVO.

Tomado de la redacción de Guardabosques

Marcelo dijo...

0 #6 Gustavo Mayor A 12-10-2011 01:31
Un hombre de la conservación en su digna labor por la vida, es silenciado por la violencia; unamos esfuerzos y no claudiquemos en seguir soñando, planeando y ejecutando acciones por la conservación de todas las formas de vida¡¡¡

0 #5 Rick Smith 11-10-2011 22:13
Mis más sinceras condolencias a la familia y los colegas de Jairo. Es imprescindible que encontremos una via para parar la matanza de los guardaparques en todas partes del mundo. Ellos deben trabajar en un ambiente de seguridad.

0 #4 Luis Cavero 11-10-2011 21:27
Que esas muertes y desapariciones nos animen a exigir seguridad para los Guardas que protegen las zonas más bellas de la tierra y que no reciben ni medios, ni sueldo, ni protección mínimamente acorde con las tareas que realizan. No están solos. Estamos los demás. Allá y aca. A un lado y otro del océano y de los océanos. Hermanados por una profesión común. Un abrazo compañer@s.

0 #3 JAVIER DUARTE ACERO 11-10-2011 17:07
No olvidemos que el 2 de febrero de 2008 en la Sierra de la Macarena departamento del meta- Colombia-fue asesinado el Guardaparque JOSE MARTIN DUARTE ACERO. A la fecha no se saben las causas y la autoridades no dan razon de la investigación.

0 #2 Juan Martinez Carval 11-10-2011 06:35
Intolerable la cadena de muertes en hispanoamérica por defender la protección de los recursos naturales. Un goteo que las administracione s deberían esforzarse por reducir. Esperemos que al manos amparen con justicia a las personas que dependían de Jairo.

Tomado de la redacción de Guardabosques

Marcelo dijo...



Hijo ilustre de Don Antonio Varela correa y Lucila Velásquez Arboleda, el sexto de una familia de siete hijos, nacido en el año de 1963 en Saiza, tierra que lo vio crecer y de la cual siempre vivió enamorado y orgulloso; desde muy joven siempre mostró gran interés y preocupación por los problemas y necesidades de su comunidad. En el año 1.991 se casa con el amor de su vida señora Miladis Ramos Pereira en Saiza. Su primer cargo como funcionario lo desempeña como Inspector del Corregimiento desde el año 1.990 hasta el año 1.995, inicia labores con Parques Nacionales de Colombia como contratista en el año 1.996, siempre con la visión de integrarse a las actividades ambientales y con sus gestiones poder ayudar y orientar mejor a su comunidad; en el año 2010 se logra vincular como funcionario de planta provisional.

En el año 1991 es víctima del desplazamiento forzado, junto con toda su comunidad, gran tragedia y adversidad, que como todo gran hombre logra convertir en oportunidad para superarse y ayudar aún más a su comunidad; es allí cuando posteriormente conforma en el año 2.001 junto con su compadre y primo Juan de Dios Arboleda CORPOCODESA ¨ La Corporación Comunitaria de Desplazados de Saiza¨. La cual le trajo sinsabores pero también muchas satisfacciones, y a través de su gestión logro sacar adelante proyectos y un sinnúmero de actividades a favor de su apreciada comunidad por la que siempre luchó y trabajo, lo cual le mereció el reconocimiento en las mesas de trabajo a nivel local, Regional y Nacional, en el tema de las personas en situación de desplazamiento.

Cabe resaltar sus dotes de Poeta y declamador de canciones y poemas, aclamado por la comunidad para representar siempre en las fiestas del campesino a Antonio Aguilar y Vicente Fernandez, en su flamante caballo Blanco con las cuales los divirtió en múltiples ocasiones.

Le sobreviven su señora madre, su esposa y tres hijos de su matrimonio Cristina nazareth varela Ramos, Patricia Mileydi Varela Ramos y Gina Consuelo Varela Ramos, además tuvo el honor y orgullo de ser Padre - abuelo, por parte de su hija mayor, de Sharick Marcela Varela Ramos. Antes de su matrimonio tuvo dos hijos más Edinson y Camilo.

Amigo aquí citamos a un nuestro gran prócer de libertad e indepencia que dijo: ¨Se que muero, más mi sangre y la de mis compañeros aquí caídos servirá de protesta solemne contra el enemigo invasor del suelo de mi patria¨.

Si Jairo porque como tu han ofrendado sus vidas muchos otros líderes y lideresas, que desinteresadamente trabajan y luchan por los derechos de sus comunidades, Hoy en día los armados enarbolan muy valientes sus cobardes y asesinas balas en contra de desarmados civiles e inocentes.

Para siempre amigo te brindamos un último y sincero abrazo de despedida, tus familiares y amigos, conocidos y desconocidos, al Hijo obediente, al esposo fiel, al padre responsable y cariñoso, al hermano comprensivo, al abuelo consentidor, al compañero responsable e incondicional y al líder comprometido y servidor incansable siempre luchador; para los que siempre tuviste la mano amiga, el gesto amable, la sonrisa franca y tu denodada y altruista vocación de servicio; en todos los momentos que por duros que fueran cuando, en las largas jornadas a pesar del cansancio, con tus risas y chistes siempre nos diste tu voz de aliento y nos transmitiste tu fuerza personal, con la cual iluminaste nuestras vidas.

Gracias damos a Dios todopoderoso por habernos prestado tu amistad en este mundo mientras la tuvimos, y entendemos que te necesitaba para coordinar desde su lado las interminables gestiones comunitarias por las cuales brillaste durante toda tu vida.

Amigo Paz en Tu Tumba

Proyecto y Elaboró: Gustavo Antonio Muñoz Palacio

Funcionario PNN Paramillo

karina dijo...

La verdad es que me duele por que me pongo del lado de las flias y amigos y no puedo aceptar que este pasando hoy en día estos homicidios atentar de esta forma a verdaderos seres humanos de noble, pura vocación y amor hacia la vida.También siento indignación por esto.Les doy mis condolencias desde Argentina a todos los familiares que han pérdido a estas maravillosas personas
karina Alejandra Ruiz

Marcelo dijo...

Buenas tardes
Estimados amigos y amigas
Un saludo especial para todos ustedes

Por el canal regional Teleantioquia, el día 3 de diciembre de 2011 a las 7p.m., estarán haciéndole un homenaje póstumo al funcionario Jairo Varela Arboleda, por tal motivo extendemos la invitación a ustedes y así mismo solicitarles que difundan esta información a los compañeros de Andes occidentales quienes tengan el contacto, y en si a todos los funcionarios y territoriales de Parques Nacionales Naturlaes de Colombia que consideren a bien informarle.

Es bastante triste este documental, pero esta es una organización de Antioquia con quien Jairo trabajo hace muchos años y ellos consideraron importante también hacerles un homenaje más publico y resaltar muchas cosas de su vida, nos solicitaron apoyo con fotos, le facilitamos el homenaje que se le hizo en nuestra territorial y bueno la invitación es a mirar el homenaje que le hacen de manera masiva por este canal.

Muchos saludos a todos y que Dios los bendiga

MOVIL 3116685534

Marcelo dijo...

SALUDOS, el dia martes 13 de diciembre de 2011 se realizará el inicio del juicio a los responsables del homicidio de Martin Duarte, despues de casi cuatro años.

La diligencia se realizará en el Juzgado 10 penal de paloquemao a las 2:00 pm. BOGOTÁ

Es muy importante y solidario , acompañar en nombre de todos los guardaparques de Colombia a la familia de Martin, a la cual ademas he invitado a nuestra asamblea de constitución de la asociación colombiana de Guardaparques.

La sociedad Colombiana en su conjunto, debe reconocer , valorar y apoyar la labor de todos nosotros los que hacemos conservación, pese a la dificiles condiciones y adversidades, por eso los crimenes, agresiones, retenciones , amenazas , etc, deben ser rechazados y condenados por todos nuestros aliados .

Atte Héctor
hector velasquez lema caneito@hotmail.

Marcelo dijo...

Ranger killed in Mount Rainier Nat'l Park shooting

By MIKE BAKER, Associated Press – 3 minutes ago

MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK, Wash. (AP) — A Mount Rainier National
Park ranger died in a shooting Sunday following a routine traffic
stop, and authorities closed the 368-square-mile park in Washington
state as they searched for the armed gunman, a park spokeswoman said.

The ranger was identified as 34-year-old Margaret Anderson. She had
set up a vehicle as a roadblock on a park road just before the
shooting, which happened at about 11 a.m. near the Longmire Ranger
Station in the southwestern part of the park, Lee Taylor said.

Ed Troyer, a Pierce County Sheriff's spokesman, said his department
received a report around 11:30 a.m. of shots fired in the park and a
ranger in need of help.

When authorities arrived, Troyer said, they also encountered gunfire,
but no one else was hit. Authorities removed Anderson from the park
and found that she was dead, Troyer said.

Authorities believe the gunman is still in the woods with an assault
rifle. They are asking people to stay away from the park, and for
those already inside the park to leave.

Troyer said his department has received reports of cars with bullet
holes. He did not have further details and said communication was
limited because there is no cellphone service in the park.

Park superintendent Randy King said that Anderson is a mother of two
young daughters who has served as a park ranger for about four years.
King said Anderson's husband also was working as a ranger elsewhere in
the park at the time of the shooting.

"It's just a huge tragedy — for the family, the park and the park
service," he said.

The Longmire station served as headquarters when the national park was
established in 1899. Park headquarters have moved but the site still
contains a museum, a hotel, restaurant and gift shop, which are open

The Washington State Patrol also was helping with the investigation.

Copyright © 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

> Ranger shot, killed at Mt. Rainier National Park; suspect at large

> MOUNT RAINIER, Wash. – A U.S. Forest Service ranger at Mount Rainier
National Park has been shot and killed, and the gunman is at large.
> The ranger has been identifed as 34-year-old Margaret Anderson.
> The shooting occurred at 10:11 a.m. near Longmire Ranger Station.
> A park spokesman said another ranger attempted to make a vehicle stop near
Paradise and the driver fled. When the driver was stopped at a roadblock
about a mile below Paradise, shots were fired and Anderson was hit.
> The suspect fled on foot and has not yet been captured.
> The Washington State Patrol, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office and the
FBI are on the scene.
> The suspect is armed with a long rifle, Det. Ed Troyer with the Pierce
County Sheriff's Office reports via Twitter.
> The park is closed until further notice.
> Anderson is married with two children, ages 4 and 2.

Marcelo dijo...

Park Ranger
Margaret Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch: Sunday, January 1, 2012
Bio & Incident Details

Age: 34

Cause: Gunfire

Location: Washington

Incident Date: 1/1/2012

Weapon: Rifle

Suspect: At large

Park Ranger Margaret Anderson was shot and killed while executing a felony stop near the Longmire Ranger Station in Mount Rainier National Park just before 11:00am.

The suspect had been stopped by another officer near the Paradise Ranger Station, but fled before being stopped again by Ranger Anderson. The suspect opened fire, fatally striking Ranger Anderson.

After being shot, Ranger Anderson radioed for help as the suspect fled on foot. Officers attempting to reach Ranger Anderson were held at bay for approximately three hours as the suspect continued to fire on them.

Ranger Anderson is survived by her husband and two young children.

Please contact the following agency to send condolences or to obtain funeral arrangements:

Steve Shackelton, Associate Director for Visitor and Resource Protection
United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240

Phone: (202) 208-6843

Read more:

Enviado por Rick Smith

Marcelo dijo...

11 January 2011 report
Thousands Honor Ranger Margaret Anderson

The memorial service celebrating the life of Ranger Margaret Anderson held yesterday was extremely well attended, with the 3,000 seat auditorium filled to capacity and scores of law enforcement agencies represented.

Rangers, officers and other first responders came from neighboring communities and from throughout the state of Washington, as well as Idaho and Oregon. A large contingent of Royal Canadian Mounted Police also attended. The memorial procession was six miles long and included an interagency pipe and drum corps and the Washington State Patrol rifle team. Yosemite National Park personnel led a single riderless horse, followed by a mounted team of Washington State Patrol officers.

People watching the live TV coverage noted that the clouds parted and Mount Rainier came into view just as the service began. By the service's end, the sun was shining.

Secretary Salazar, Director Jarvis and Superintendent Randy King spoke, as well as Robert Danno of National Capital Region and Steve Mazur of Voyageurs, both family friends of Eric and Margaret Anderson. Pastor Paul Kritsch, Margaret's father, and Pastor Galen Gallimore of the Anderson's family church shared remembrances.

A series of short videos from the service and related activities can be found at the web page, or you can go directly to the “Featured Video” page. A video of the bagpipers leading the procession to the service can be found at the KING news web page. The site also has a web page with a news story, another video, and a 27-image photo gallery.

The Western IMT worked with the Behind the Badge Foundation and numerous agencies to plan and carry out the day's events.

The family asks that donations be made in lieu of flowers. They will be used to help Eric raise their two girls. Donations should be sent to KeyBank, P.O. Box 159, Eatonville, WA 98328. Checks should be made out to the Margaret Anderson Donation Account. The National Park Foundation, the official charity of the National Park Service, has also established a memorial fund to benefit the children of Margaret and Eric Anderson. Contributions can be made at this webpage.

Mourning bands are authorized for uniformed employees to honor the life and service of Ranger Anderson until sunset on January 31st.

All correspondence, including requests for information and condolences, should be sent to

Contact Information
Name: Patti Wold and Barb Maynes, Public Information Officers, Western Incident Management Team

Sent by Deanne Adams

Marcelo dijo...

13 de enero 2012

BARAHONA. Varios haitianos mataron ayer a puñaladas a un vigilante forestal de El Aguacate, en Duvergé, que los sorprendió fabricando varios hornos para carbón vegetal.
Eligio Eloy Vargas Medrano (Melanio), de 43 años, quien residía en Puerto Escondido, de Duvergé, recibió heridas punzantes, penetrantes y contusas en diferentes áreas, según el doctor Francis Moquete Méndez, médico legista de Independencia.
Según el alcalde pedaneo José Alfonso Pérez, uno de los presuntos autores de la muerte del vigilante forestal es el haitiano Pablo Tipal, con la colaboración de otros compatriotas suyos que fueron descubiertos por el guardaparques Vargas Medrano.
Los haitianos se llevaron la escopeta marca Hwyetel calibre 12 del forestal, propiedad del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente en la provincia Independencia, la cual estaba para el servicio de los vigilantes forestales de puestos en Duvergé.
En el levantamiento del cadáver, además del médico legista Moquete Méndez participaron el fiscalizador de Duvergé, Luis Antonio Pérez García y oficiales del departamento de Homicidios de la Policía en Jimaní.
Con relación al caso están detenidos los haitianos Rafael Batista, de 31 años, y Polonio Moreno, de 35, quienes residen en Puerto Escondido.
Hace una semana Las Fuerzas Armadas, el Cuerpo Especializado de Seguridad Frontreriza (Cesfront) y el Servicio Nacional de Protección Ambiental (Senpa) iniciaron la operación “Frontera Verde 2012” durante la cual se han incautado 1,021 sacos de carbón vegetal, destruidos decenas de hornos e incautado madera con la que se producirían otros 240 sacos de carbón.
Los operativos fueron realizados en la parte norte del Lago Enriquillo, entre el distrito municipal de Boca de Cachón y la sección de Bartolomé de la provincia Independencia. Ayer se realizaron en El Salado, el Tamarindo y la Clavellina, en Baoruco.
El director del Senpa, coronel Rubén Tiburcio Veloz, dijo que los operativos continuarán para evitar no sólo la tumba y quema de árboles sino también la captura de especies endémicas.
El carbón incautado fue enviado a la sede del Ejército en Neiba, mientras otra cantidad no se pudo sacar de la zona por lo agreste del terreno.
El oficial explicó que en esos casos los militares procedieron a destruir el carbón en el mismo lugar.
También los militares quemaron maderas que los depredadores tenían preparadas para hacer nuevos hornos.
El coronel Tiburcio Veloz aseguró que la operación “Frontera verde” será permanente y advirtió que sin importar la nacionalidad serán apresados y sometidos a la justicia los responsables de violaciones a la Ley 64-00.
El desmonte en la zona fronteriza se incrementa cada mes debido al gran negocio en que se ha convertido la producción de carbón vegetal en el lado dominicano para llevarlo a Haití. Dominicanos y haitianos actúan en complicidad en el negocio, afectando la capa boscosa y amenazando la biodiversidad.

Enviad por:
Rick Smith

Marcelo dijo...

No más minas antipersonal en los Parques Nacionales

Un guardaparques murió al pisar una mina antipersonal en el parque natural Serranía de los Churumbelos.

Por Carolina Calle | Publicado el 6 de febrero de 2012

Marcelo dijo...

Kenya: Two KWS Rangers Killed By Poachers in Taita

By Raphael Mwadime, Nairobi Star

5 March 2012

The Kenya Wildlife Services officers in Voi are in hot pursuit of an armed gang of suspected poachers who killed two rangers on patrol in a private ranch in Taita on Friday. The rangers were on a normal patrol in Sagalla ranch when they encountered the six armed men who shot them dead.

Cases of poaching are rampnat in the private ranches bordering the Tsavo National Park with unconfirmed reports indicating that some 30 elephants have been killed in Taita ranches in the last seven months.

The rangers killed were a man and an expectant woman. They were with the David Sheldrick desnaring team in the private ranch when they were ambushed. The David Sheldrick game scouts who were not armed, were not attacked by the suspects who are suspected to be shiftas. "The shiftas thought that the armed KWS officers were pursuing them and thus they shot them dead and left the four unarmed men," said a source.

Sources told the Star that the gangsters also made away with two firearms and several rounds of ammunition belonging to the two KWS rangers who were murder. No arrest has been made so far although there are reports that the suspects are of Somali origin thus raising concerns over security in the region among the local residents.

Cases of poaching are on the increase in the private ranches bordering the Tsavo National park and wildlife conservationists from the region have called on the KWS to increase security in the private ranches to protect the endangered elephant species. A week ago, two elephants were killed at Lwalenyi ranch in Mwatate district and the tusks removed by the poachers although KWS confirmed that they managed to recover tusks of one elephant hidden within the private ranch.

Senior warden in charge of the Tsavo East National park, Dominik Wambua confirmed that the two had been killed by the bandits but refused to comment on the lost firearms. "What I can tell you is that the rangers were killed but concerning the firearms is not important for you as at the moment since the matter is subject to investigations," said the warden.

He said that a contingent of Anti Poaching Unit personnel from KWS were on the ground pursuing the suspects. Wambua however, said that they suspect the same gang is involved in the killing of the two elephants in Lwalenyi ranch a week ago. "The Somali grazers in this area are armed and we suspect they could be behind this although we are still investigating the matter," he said. The deceased bodies were taken to the Moi hospital mortuary in Voi pending a postmortem examination.

Article at the following link:

Enviado por: Wayne Lotter

Anónimo dijo...

Help families of rangers who have died on the frontline of conservation

31 July 2010 | News story

On 26 July 2010 Achille Vilavu was killed whilst protecting the gorillas of Mount Tshiaberimu against a Mai Mai militia attack in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Achille is just one of a long line of rangers who have given their lives for conservation worldwide.

Rangers are the guards of our protected areas, working in the field to ensure that wildlife can continue to prosper in protected areas. They are the last frontier between species and ecosystems and those that would want to destroy them. Daily confronted by conflict, smuggling or poaching, their job is to ensure effective protection at all costs. More than 1,000 rangers have been killed protecting nature in their line of duty. In many countries they are the only earner of the family and they leave their wives and children in desperate situations.

On 31 July, it’s World Ranger Day, a day for remembering all rangers that have given their lives to conservation. To help the families of rangers, you can either organize an event on 31 July, or visit the Thin Greenline Foundation.

IUCN’s Global Programme on Protected Areas, the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas and the International Ranger Federation support the Thin Green Line Foundation to help the families of rangers killed in the line of duty and to reduce the risk to rangers. The Foundation supports the families of Park rangers killed, and promotes the need to prevent further ranger deaths, on the frontline of conservation. The Thin Green Line Foundation supports 40 widows and families of rangers killed this year, but there are more than 1,000 families worldwide awaiting support.

Sean Wilmore, President of the Thin Green Line Foundation, sold all of his belongings and travelled the world to produce a film to raise awareness of rangers and increase recognition of their essential contribution to conservation. The DVD of the film and other articles are for sale on the Thin Green Line website and all proceeds go directly to support families of rangers. By supporting the Thin Green Line Foundation and its work, you are helping families directly.

Through this article IUCN would not only like to thank all rangers, but supports and grieves with all the families of rangers who have died.

In Memorium of the Rangers who have died since the last World Ranger Day, 31 July 2009
Aaron Harber (Australia)
Felix Rodriguez (Puerto Rico)
Kenneth Betancourt (Puerto Rico)
Mauricio Guillen (Peru)
John Mapheu (South Africa)
Bongo Skotsho (South Africa)
Marvin Williams (South Africa)
Safari Kakule (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Kambale Katambiriki (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Kanyangara Muhima (Democratic Republic of Congo)
Achille Vilavu (Democratic Republic of Congo)


Anónimo dijo...

DENR forest guard stabbed dead

By Joy Montero, ABS-CBN News Central Visayas
Posted at 07/23/2013 9:19 PM | Updated as of 07/23/2013 9:19 PM
NEGROS ORIENTAL – A 52-year-old forest guard was found dead in a Protected Forest Area of Brgy. Balinsasayaw, Sibulan, Negros Oriental Monday night.

The victim was identified as Fermin Batal, a forest guard of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

The victim sustained multiple stab wounds. His neck was also slashed.

The victim's son, George Batal, said that last Sunday, their father didn't come home and they asked for police assistance to help them locate him.

Batal's family rushed to the area and identified the body as their father.

Co- workers of Batal told Insp. Rodrigo Tubog that a certain Roberto Cerna had threatened Batal.

Cerna was reportedly caught by Batal cutting down trees in a protected area in Brgy. Balinsasayaw, prompting Banal to report him to the DENR.

According to one of Banal’s co-workers, Rico Miel, Cerna allegedly got angry at Batal after DENR filed a case against him.

Tubog said they are looking on the angle of personal grudge.

Investigations are ongoing.
